Porsche Bank Zrt Cégjegyzékszám: A Reliable Financial Institution In Hungary

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Welcome to 2023, where Porsche Bank Zrt has become one of the most trusted and reliable financial institutions in Hungary. With its establishment in the country, it has quickly gained a reputation for providing exceptional banking services and innovative financial solutions to individuals and businesses alike. In this article, we will explore the cégjegyzékszám (company registration number) of Porsche Bank Zrt and how it has contributed to its success.

What is Porsche Bank Zrt?

Porsche Bank Zrt is a subsidiary of Porsche Holding, the largest automotive distributor in Europe. It was founded in 2003 and has since grown to become a leading player in the Hungarian financial market. The bank offers a wide range of services, including loans, leasing, insurance, and investment opportunities.

Company Registration Number

Porsche Bank Zrt’s cégjegyzékszám is 01-10-047264. This unique identification number is assigned to the company by the Hungarian authorities upon its registration. It serves as a legal proof of the company’s existence and allows it to conduct business activities in Hungary.

Why Choose Porsche Bank Zrt?

There are several reasons why Porsche Bank Zrt is a preferred choice for many individuals and businesses in Hungary:

1. Strong Financial Backing

As a subsidiary of Porsche Holding, Porsche Bank Zrt benefits from the financial strength and stability of its parent company. This provides customers with a sense of security and confidence in their banking partner.

2. Competitive Interest Rates

Porsche Bank Zrt offers competitive interest rates on its loans and deposits. Whether you are looking to finance a new car or save for the future, the bank provides attractive rates that help you achieve your financial goals.

3. Customer-Centric Approach

Porsche Bank Zrt places a strong emphasis on customer satisfaction. Its dedicated team of professionals is committed to providing personalized services and tailored financial solutions to meet the unique needs of each customer.

4. Wide Range of Services

From personal loans to corporate financing, Porsche Bank Zrt offers a comprehensive suite of financial services. Whether you are an individual or a business owner, you can find the right solution to meet your specific requirements.

5. Technological Innovation

Porsche Bank Zrt is at the forefront of technological innovation in the banking industry. It continuously invests in digital solutions to enhance the customer experience and streamline banking processes.


Porsche Bank Zrt with its cégjegyzékszám 01-10-047264 has become a trusted name in the Hungarian financial market. With its strong financial backing, competitive interest rates, customer-centric approach, wide range of services, and commitment to technological innovation, the bank has positioned itself as a reliable financial institution that caters to the diverse needs of individuals and businesses. Whether you are looking for a loan, insurance, or investment opportunities, Porsche Bank Zrt is an excellent choice that you can rely on.